Pris: 100 skr (inkl.moms 6%)
Price: 10 € (VAT incl. 6%)
ISBN 91-975420-2-4
Printed in Sweden 2006.
How to order: Send an email with your name, adress and phone number. Postage and packing will be addes to the price.
Or visit following shops: Rosendals Trädgård on Djurgården in Stockholm, Bokslukaren, Mariatorget 2 on Södermalm in Stockholm, Espacio, Idustrigatan 9 on Kungsholmen in Stockholm, Taxinge Slott "Kak Slottet" (Taxinge Castle "Cookie Castle") in Nykvarn and Hassela Vävars on Gotland.

"Det finns väl ingen som kan motstå en fika, säger Janette, och bjuder på en tur i fikaland.
Janette Bornmarker blandar i denna personligt skrivna lilla bok om fika, kuriosa och tips med sina lustfyllda illustrationer."
"Is there someone who can resist a fika, says Janette, and invite us on a tour in fikaland. In this little book Janette Bornmarker mix personal written text and tips about fika with her cheerfully illustrations"
The true meaning of the word "fika". Fika is a Swedish word for "having a coffie break", but with a richer substance and tradition. There for "fikaland" has to be Sweden.
"Tid för en fika" is a book on 48 pages, square size 14 cm. Offset print with glossy illustrations in yummi colours. A perfect give-away-present.

The book was nominated in the Swedish Design and Illustration compedition The Kolla! Award in 2007. Read more about the winning-awards on CapDesign.
Apart from the show which KOLLA! is touring with 2007-2008, the illustrations are exhitit during this year 2007 (see below).
071116 - 071122
Galleri Agueli, Blecktornsgränd 9, Stockholm
070708 - 070714
Grafikgruppens Galleri, Ryska gränd 18, Visby, Gotland