September 30, 2008
September 29, 2008
Color coordinated books

Is this a way to find some peace in the shelves :-)
I don´t know if it would work for me. Our bookcase is filled with darkwhite coloured second-hand books, the room would probably look more like a library.
Anyway, check out the Rainbow of Books Flickr group.
Photo by chotda.
September 28, 2008
Back in Stockholm filled with impressions

After two days at the Göteborg Book Fair and two tired feets later, I have arrived to Stockholm. It was the first visit for me, the book fair, and I think I did´nt thought it whould be so crowded.

It was nice to see the display area on which Vilda Publishing (Vilda Förlag) showed the books I´ve illustrated.

There was a lot of things to see and do and as many I strolled around, new meetings and also listening to interviews with authors. Unfortuned I missed one seminar that I really would have liked to see – Stian Hole, a Norwegian illustrator. But I did meet him later at the publisher, when he was signing books. So now I have two copys of his book "Hermans sommar".
I found some inpiring books, both new and second-hand as well...

September 25, 2008
Bok och Biblioteksmässan 2008

Idag torsdag och i morgon fredag kommer jag att finnas nere i Göteborg på Bok och Biblioteksmässan. Om Du också är på Bokmässan och känner för att ses – slå en pling 0733 307 398.
Nedan ser syns några bilder ur de tre böcker som jag illustrerat;
Vilken är din favoritsak? Vad vill du bli när du blir stor? Vad gillar du att göra?
Vilda Förlag ställer ut i mässmonter vid Barntorget B 10:23.
Svenska Tecknare och Illustratörcentrum ställer ut i mässmonter B 03:49.

(What do you like to do?)
ISBN: 9185845086
ISBN-13: 9789185845088
Language: Swedish
Size: 150x150
Page: 24
© 2008
Auther: Pamela von Sabljar
Illustrator: Janette Bornmarker
Publisher: Vilda Förlag

(What would you like to be when you grow up?)
ISBN: 9185845094
ISBN-13: 9789185845095
Language: Swedish
Size: 150x150
Page: 24
© 2008
Auther: Pamela von Sabljar
Illustrator: Janette Bornmarker
Publisher: Vilda Förlag

(What is your favorite thing?)
ISBN: 9185845108
ISBN-13: 9789185845101
Language: Swedish
Size: 150x150
Page: 24
© 2008
Auther: Pamela von Sabljar
Illustrator: Janette Bornmarker
Publisher: Vilda Förlag
Order the books.
September 23, 2008
September 22, 2008
September 19, 2008
Museum: the Macleays, their collections and the search for order

During our journey-around-the-world we visited the Australian Museum in Sydney. A lot of activites for both kids and grown ups. For exampel they had a really god lab which any one could spend days in just for research. I´ll probably sounds like a nerd, but who cares. How ever, I found this amazing book about the Macleays Museum collections. Museum by Robyn Stacey and Ashley Hay. I could not buy the book then, it was to heavy to carry or send by post. So the kindly wrote down all about it on this note.

So... thanks again for the internet, cause now this book soon will come to me in a big package. I´m so looking forward to it!

Photograph by Robyn Stacey.
You can read more about the book and the exhibition (2007) at the homepage of the University of Sydney, were the museum is located. Or in the National Museum of Australia's own Journal.

September 18, 2008
Illustration som fått många att lyfta på ögonbryna...
September 17, 2008
Let Us Kiss
"I like the way you dance on tables."
"Want to wash my hair?"
Love these animations for Let Us Kiss. Made by the design and animation studio Nervo. Please, can´t someone send one of these messages to me :-)

Click on each image to see the animation.
"Want to wash my hair?"
Love these animations for Let Us Kiss. Made by the design and animation studio Nervo. Please, can´t someone send one of these messages to me :-)

Click on each image to see the animation.
Jabo Illustration launching a new website
My name is Janette Bornmarker and I am a freelance illustrator. I am one of the illustrators in Stockholm Illustration and together we are one of the largest group with established illustrators in Sweden.
I have worked with clients in editorial, publishing, design and advertising and I see no limit in how my illustrations can develop. My illustrations is drawn by hand then refined in to a digital illustration.
On this website I will give You a glipmpse of my everyday work and things that inspires me. My intention is to collect my own scrap-book-kind-of-web-thing and if You are interested - take a peek.
The content is uploaded like a blog, with each entry being a post into a category. You can click on all the pictures to veiw it enlarged. The enlargement will open in a new window. Simply go backwards by using the menu in your browser, in case it opens in the same window.
Have patience with my Swenglish. Sometimes I will write in Swedish, some in English or it will just be a mix of both. Have this useful Swe-Eng dictionary on the way through the website.
If you read all this I guess you are interested. Before you continuing I have to give a special thanks to my family and friends and books and internet, whom inspires me every day.
W E L C O M E !
I have worked with clients in editorial, publishing, design and advertising and I see no limit in how my illustrations can develop. My illustrations is drawn by hand then refined in to a digital illustration.
On this website I will give You a glipmpse of my everyday work and things that inspires me. My intention is to collect my own scrap-book-kind-of-web-thing and if You are interested - take a peek.
The content is uploaded like a blog, with each entry being a post into a category. You can click on all the pictures to veiw it enlarged. The enlargement will open in a new window. Simply go backwards by using the menu in your browser, in case it opens in the same window.
Have patience with my Swenglish. Sometimes I will write in Swedish, some in English or it will just be a mix of both. Have this useful Swe-Eng dictionary on the way through the website.
If you read all this I guess you are interested. Before you continuing I have to give a special thanks to my family and friends and books and internet, whom inspires me every day.
W E L C O M E !
I have a lot of favorites, but these are some
3x3 Magazine
Adrian Johnson
Amy Karol
Amy Karol - Angry chicken
Amy Karol - KingPod
Andy Smith
Angie Lewin
Angie Lewin
Anna Hepler
Annika Sjölén
Ashley Wood
Betz White
Bill Brown
Blow your horn hunter!
Calef Brown
Camilla Engman
Carl Fredrik Holtermann
Carlos Vermut
Courtney Reagor
Dave McKean
Dermot Flynn
Donna Wilson
Fiona Hewitt
Gary Baseman
Go See
Gwen Keraval
Head Magazine
Ida Björs
Illustration Friday
Illustration Mundo
Isabelle Arsenault
Jeffrey Fulvimari
Jim Flora
Jonas Bergstrand
Jonathan Burton
Julie West
Kenneth Andersson
Kirsten Ulve
Kita Usagi
Laura Plansker
Lena Sjöberg
Lotta Anderson Jansdotter
Maranne Pettersson-Soold
Maria Raymondsdotter
Mark Ryden
Matte Stephens
Mint and Vintage
Miroslav Sasek
Moa Hoff
Nicolas Coppin
Penelope Dullaghan
Red Nose Studio
Sabrina Ward Harrison
Steve Mack
Steven Harrington
The little friends of printmaking
Tim Biskup
Tobie Giddio
Yoshitomo Nara
Adrian Johnson
Amy Karol
Amy Karol - Angry chicken
Amy Karol - KingPod
Andy Smith
Angie Lewin
Angie Lewin
Anna Hepler
Annika Sjölén
Ashley Wood
Betz White
Bill Brown
Blow your horn hunter!
Calef Brown
Camilla Engman
Carl Fredrik Holtermann
Carlos Vermut
Courtney Reagor
Dave McKean
Dermot Flynn
Donna Wilson
Fiona Hewitt
Gary Baseman
Go See
Gwen Keraval
Head Magazine
Ida Björs
Illustration Friday
Illustration Mundo
Isabelle Arsenault
Jeffrey Fulvimari
Jim Flora
Jonas Bergstrand
Jonathan Burton
Julie West
Kenneth Andersson
Kirsten Ulve
Kita Usagi
Laura Plansker
Lena Sjöberg
Lotta Anderson Jansdotter
Maranne Pettersson-Soold
Maria Raymondsdotter
Mark Ryden
Matte Stephens
Mint and Vintage
Miroslav Sasek
Moa Hoff
Nicolas Coppin
Penelope Dullaghan
Red Nose Studio
Sabrina Ward Harrison
Steve Mack
Steven Harrington
The little friends of printmaking
Tim Biskup
Tobie Giddio
Yoshitomo Nara
September 16, 2008
Photo sketch

I just bought this fascinating book "Photo sketch" by digital artist Ruud van Empel. A comprehensive mix of new and old pictures from his digital archive.

It was hard to find any books on the Amazone, but I found this one. These pictures are magic.
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