March 29, 2008
March 28, 2008
Ord & Text on Street in Stockholm

On the weekend of March 29-30 I will be at the book trade fair Ord & Text on Street in Stockholm with my book Tid för en fika (Time for a coffie break). It is also possible to buy prints with the illustrations.
March 26, 2008
Back in business, but no web site! What the...
Sorry for the inconvenience. The website will be up in short time.
After nearly 4 mounth living in a suitcase, exploring the world with my family, I think I am getting use with the thought of beeing home again. It has been a fantasic journey in all sentence, but we are still glad that the winter could wait until we came home to Sweden. Now Stockholm is embedded in a blanket of white snow.

So now my computer is running again and I am ready to work. Next weekend March the 29-30 I will be at the book trade fair "Ord & Text bokmässan" on Street in Stockholm. During these days you can buy my book "Tid för en fika" for a special price. It is also possible to buy prints with the illustrations. Hope to see you soon :-)
After nearly 4 mounth living in a suitcase, exploring the world with my family, I think I am getting use with the thought of beeing home again. It has been a fantasic journey in all sentence, but we are still glad that the winter could wait until we came home to Sweden. Now Stockholm is embedded in a blanket of white snow.

So now my computer is running again and I am ready to work. Next weekend March the 29-30 I will be at the book trade fair "Ord & Text bokmässan" on Street in Stockholm. During these days you can buy my book "Tid för en fika" for a special price. It is also possible to buy prints with the illustrations. Hope to see you soon :-)
March 23, 2008
SVT besöker Vilda Förlag

Can you show pictures of frightening things as abuse in a childrens book? Or should childrens books get a "hug-label" with a demand for equality and multitude justice? That is what Pernilla Månsson Colt from the Swedish TV programme SVERIGE! (SVT1) was wondering and visit Vilda Förlag in Skåne who talked about our book Jonathan och Kroppen.
See the entire programme from 23rd of March <)))
Kan man visa så skrämmande saker som misshandel i en bilderbok för barn? Eller ska barnböcker "kram-märkas" med krav på jämställdhet och mångfald? Det undrade Pernilla Månsson Colt i programmet SVERIGE!! (SVT1) och besökte Vilda Förlag som berättade om vår bok Jonathan och Kroppen.
Se hela programmet från den 23 mars <)))
Vilda Förlag och Boken Jonathan och Kroppen har uppmärsammats i flera olika sammanhang. Läs några artiklar:
2007-10-25 Yelah "Så här ska en barnbok se ut"
2008-02-10 Barnboksbloggen "Det här är en bok som jag blir så glad av!"
2008-01-14 Svenska Dagbladet "Krammärkta böcker väcker intresse"
March 13, 2008
...omslagets betydelse

På Svenska Barnboksinstitutets Debutantdag diskuterades om bokens förpackning och omslaget betydelse. Tio särskilt utvalda debutanter från 2007 fick presentera sig. Karin Salmson var en av dem att presentera vår bok Jonathan och Kroppen, Vilda förlag.
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