Does anyone recognize this classics...
Creative Debbie Smyth has taken on the wire technique and created the most amazing images. Read more and see more of Debbies work on her blog.
Does anyone recognize this classics...
Does anyone recognize this classics...
Morrans little book just came in the mail.
Fun to see everyone's images – and it´s for a good cause.
Igår bjöd Gdi Konstfack in till öppen föreläsning. Tack, mer sånt!
Gunna Grähs och Ann Forslind vred och vände på bilderboken och talade om "Att formge ett barn". Poängterade att vi som illustratörer har ett visuellt författarskap som måste få ta mer plats. De plockade också fram ett alltid lika aktuellt citat av Hellsing "All pedagogisk konst är dålig konst – och all god konst är pedagogisk".
Sara Teleman berättade om våra kvinnliga hjältar (och en man) och som hon speciellt för detta tillfälle även hade tuschet upp. Inspirerande personligheter förtjänar Saras porträtt.
Today Katie Viggers lovely animal book come with the mail. Besides that she illustrates and writes her self, she has been collecting children's books for years. So she thought she should do something with them and now you can see them here. Her intension is to put up a few books every week.
Today Katie Viggers lovely animal book come with the mail. Besides that she illustrates and writes her self, she has been collecting children's books for years. So she thought she should do something with them and now you can see them here. Her intension is to put up a few books every week.
Shaun Tan’s animated adaptation of his story "The Lost Thing".
Also see this 5 minute documentary and the Lost Thing website.
In contrast to all digital painting software, the illustrator Rebecca Dautremer invites you to real brush work with watercolour.
Drawing for block-printed fabric Tulip & Willow by William Morris.
More links to William Morris